What Are the Benefits of Holistic Coaching in ADHD?

When I was diagnosed with ADHD in 1994, doctors couldn’t tell me a great deal about my ADHD, or how to practically manage it. The approach was to try out different medications and see which one worked the best until I discovered coaching and started learning about my condition.

For the majority of my life, I knew nothing. When I started to learn about exercise, diet, self-care, and mindfulness, and how these all play a part in my condition, I realised that ADHDers cannot just rely on medication.

Approaching ADHD treatment holistically is essential. It helps to enhance your quality of life and realise your full potential. You can learn what your executive functions are and how ADHD affects them, enabling you to effectively manage your condition. Once I addressed my ADHD holistically, I became less anxious and a lot more focused. 

It’s key to recognise that while medication is a powerful tool in treating ADHD, it is only part of your management strategy. Holistic coaching is needed because this looks at you as a whole, working with your brain, not against it, to capitalise on your unique strengths in your spiky profile. It recognises that everything in your life is connected, physically and mentally, and that they need addressing together.

Realise Your Potential

Many ADHDers go through life with false beliefs about themselves based on the opinions of others. It’s estimated that ADHDers, by the age of 12, have heard approximately 20,000 more negative messages than their neurotypical counterparts.

Holistic coaching aims to change these perceptions by teaching you to recognise your talents and unmask yourself. It prevents you from spending your entire life being inauthentic and masking your identity based on what others expect of you. It also lets you follow through on your brilliant ideas and turn them into action while reinforcing your positive character strengths and values.

A great coach will support you in realising your potential. When working with a coach, ensure that sessions are tailored to your needs as we’re all different.

Improve Relationships

Challenging relationship dynamics can sometimes occur when one or both partners are neurodivergent. Chasing novelty and dopamine can affect your relationships. ADHDers can introduce spontaneity and fun into interactions, but also make impulsive decisions, may not recognise certain emotions and hyperfocus to the point where the other partner feels distant.

Relationships can often be challenging. By working with a holistic coach, you can establish mindfulness practices that can help you become more present in relationships. These reduce the constant swirling thoughts in your mind that can get in the way of interacting with others.

I believe better communication can enable mutual understanding. Once you work on effective communication, you’ll feel empowered to have open dialogues with your partner and this will bring you closer.

Nourish Your Body Well

A significant challenge for many ADHDers is the tendency towards overeating, impulsiveness, and sugary foods. The sugar craving is linked to a deficiency in dopamine production. When you have sugar, it provides a temporary spike in dopamine which feels good. However, this is followed by a rapid decline, leading to a cycle of craving more sugar to chase that initial high.

Your symptoms are impacted by what you eat. A Swedish study connected ADHD symptoms to your intake of seafood, high-fat, high-sugar, high-protein foods, and an unhealthy diet. The findings align with previous studies that linked ADHD symptoms with higher consumption of sweet food and lower consumption of vegetables and fruits. Diet and nutrition therefore play a role in brain function and can influence how you feel.

Many ADHDers face executive function challenges when it comes to cooking. Planning meals, organising ingredients and following recipes can feel overwhelming since these tasks require staying focused, following steps and switching roles. It’s often easier to order a takeaway. That’s why working with a coach who understands ADHD, has studied nutrition and has experience working with food can help you implement healthy eating strategies in a fun way.

Better Work/Life Balance

Holistic ADHD coaching is also invaluable in helping you create boundaries and a thriving work-life balance. You’ll learn what to say “yes” to, when to say “no,” and how to better manage other people’s demands.

You’ll also create systems that structure your days for better executive function. A coach will take you step-by-step through managing and planning your days and gaining better control over decision-making. These could include organisational systems, planners and checklists, routines and schedules, various visual supports, and, sometimes, behavioural strategies. When you finish work, you’d want to have some executive function capacity left so you can enjoy being present with loved ones.

This process also involves managing stress with healthy coping strategies. These could include physical activity, and regularly communicating with your circle of support. It’s important to understand and prevent the neurodivergent burnout cycle by dealing with the sources of stress in a neurotypical working environment.

Holistic coaching helps with sleep, renewal, and managing your physical space. Getting enough rest is essential for proper executive function, attention, focus, and regulating impulsivity.

Other ways to optimise your environment could include:

  • Reducing clutter in the workplace

  • Organising files and folders with labelling

  • Designating a specific work area

  • Setting task lists and reminders

  • Leveraging time management skills

  • Asking for reasonable adjustments at work

The Importance of Self-Care for Neurodivergent Individuals

When we look at ADHD management from a holistic lens, it focuses on your physical, mental, and emotional self-care at once. The goal is to build your self-esteem and eliminate some of the psychological baggage that comes with living with the ADHD label.

Social and professional self-care is a priority because when we don’t look after ourselves we often burn out. Working with a coach can equip you with the tools to prioritise your needs (among others).

Addresses Co-Occurring Conditions

Many ADHDers have other conditions that co-occur, but go misdiagnosed because of ADHD. As such, it is essential to receive a thorough evaluation for treatment to address your mental and physical health needs. Examples of other co-occurring conditions include anxiety, depression, OCD, learning difficulties and much more.

Symptoms do not occur in isolation. My clients often come to me with ADHD and other co-occurring conditions and when we work together, you’ll begin to understand how your brain works so you can start working with it rather than against it.


Research suggests that having a third-party accountability partner makes you 95% more likely to succeed in any commitment.

For this reason, working with a coach helps you develop and stick to a plan, and implement changes as you gain further clarity. You’ll stay on track with your goals and focus on the things that will improve your life long term.

Get Support With Holistic ADHD Management

I know that when properly managed, ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions can be a strength and an asset.

Working with an experienced coach is more important than ever. With new ADHD coaches showing up daily, it may feel overwhelming to decide which coach to go for. It's essential to make sure your coach has the skills, experience, and ability to help you address your condition. I have experience with my own ADHD for approximately 29 years and know how to approach neurodiversity with skill and care.

Reach out to me today and discover how you could benefit from my coaching.


How Do You Deal With ADHD Imposter Syndrome?


ADHD Challenges in Hospitality and How to Manage Them: Blog for The Burnt Chef Project